Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Well, today marks 6 weeks with the pregnancy. Still very early, but let me tell is taking allot out of me. I am tired almost all of the time. I'm sure it doesn't help that I spend my day chasing twin toddler boys and a very active, fast crawling 11 month old!! They wear me out like you wouldn't believe. By the time I get home around 5 or 6 I am already ready for bed. Luckily, I have the most amazing, helpful, loving, and supportive husband in the entire world!!!
Yesterday, the boys completely wore me out to the point of tears. I walked in the door to find the apartment completely cleaned(vacuumed and all), candles lit, a glass of water on the table for me, and my snuggie(which Nick bought me for my birthday) on the couch all ready for me!! My husband is the best!!! He even went out and got me pizza for dinner : )
I really don't know what I would do without him. He is going to make such a wonderful father. He already talks to the baby all the time, which we have named JuneBug until we find out the sex.

So I know I am supposed to be posting everyday on this gratitude challenge, but I am just wiped out. I have been doing it, but by the time I get home at night I can barely keep my eyes open long enough to eat dinner, let alone sit at the computer and update the blog.

So for now, it will just be updates on how me, Nick, and JuneBug are doing. They may be few and far between(because of the exhaustion, and lack of events, lol) but keep checking back for updates!!!

Love to all!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Expecting the unexpected

Well in case you havent heard, Nick and I are expecting a baby. We just found out on Tuesday night and could not be more excited!!! That was by far the best birthday present I could have gotten. I will never forget my 26th birthday : ) We called my parents on Wednesday evening and told them. They were beyond thrilled, my mom teared up and you could just tell in my dads voice how thrilled he was to be a soon to be grandpa!!! For my birthday dinner, Nick and I went out to eat with Michael, Lauren, and Laurens parents. Of course as soon as we got there everyone wanted me to order a drink to celebrate my brithday, but I ordered water. Which in turn prompted my brother to jokingly say "Are you pregnant"...I just looked at him and smiled and said "Well...yes I am"!! Everyone was so excited and congratualted us.
Before I could even get home and post it on facebook my dad already had. lol

The past few days have just been a blur, but an exciting one. I am still in a bit of shock, but so overjoyed!!!
I had my first doctors appointment today, and I was not impressed with the doctor or the office. I walked out of the office crying at the way the doctor spoke to me and about my baby. Just not what I was wanting to feel at my first appointment. So for now, I am looking for a new doctor. One who is preferably Pro Life and has a smaller practice. I want to be treated like an individual, not just another patient. And I want my doctor to respect the precious life I am growing inside of me, and know that it is a true gift from God.

Anyways..we did find out that our due date is JUNE 2, 2010. We are very excited to hear the heartbeat for the first time and find out the sex. We are trying to come up with a name to call the baby until we find out the sex, beause we don't want to call it "it" the whole time. It is a baby, not an it!! So if you have any suggestions let us know : )

Well that is it for now..Love to all.

The Expectant Parents : )

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words

So today's challenge is to take a picture of a person, place, thing, or specific moment that I am grateful for..well I have one picture that is all of those things!!!

This was right after our wedding, our entire wedding party and our families had a champagne toast on the front porch of the house I grew I up in. This was such an amazing moment. I will forever remember this moment of this day and how wonderful it was. I am so grateful to have such wonderful friends and family that I could share our wedding day with and so grateful that my parents allowed us to have our wedding at there amazing house. Which made it even more special. And last but certainly not least I am so incredibly grateful that I have the most amazing, caring, generous, kind hearted man as my husband and marrying him was the best day of my life.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My blessings

Today's challenge is to write a short note of thanks for all of the wonderful things I have in my life. This is easy because I feel I am very blessed...

*My husband

*The love and support of my friends and family

*Our dog, Mason.

*A roof over our head and food on our table.

*My faith

*An amazing vacation spot very close by.

*My health

*A JOB!!!(finally)

*My gorgeous wedding/engagement rings, and bracelet that my dad bought me for my wedding(a little materialistic, but I feel blessed to have such beautiful things!)

I am so blessed to have all of these wonderful things in my life(and more). And I thank God everyday for what he has given me and the people he has brought in to my life.

Nick and I have had an amazing weekend!!! Friday night we went out to eat with my brother and his wife for my birthday dinner. Then went to there house and watched a scary movie together. I am so happy we are spending more time with them and we have family so close by!! It is so nice to finally be building a relationship with my sister in law. : )

Saturday, Nick brought me coffee in bed and made me breakfast then we just went out bumming around. I got a few shirts from TJMaxx, we browsed a couple stores. It was cold and rainy but I actually liked it because it finally felt like fall down here.

Today Nick and I went to church together. We are searching for a church that we like down here, but I am sure as soon we find one it will be time to move to Charlotte, lol.
We went to the mall, bought Nick a book about Harleys, had some lunch. And now we are headed over to Michael and Laurens again to have dinner. All in all it has been a wonderful weekend!!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend as well. Love you all!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Negative Gratitude

Today's challenge is to write about something negative in my life that I have gratitude for. At first I thought this would be kind of hard, what could possibly be good about something negative in my life?
But then it came to me, one negative in our life is that we live so far away from our friends and family. It has really been hard on both Nick and I. We used to fill our days and with friends and family, and now its just us most of the time. Granted we do have my brother and his wife very near by, which is nice.

I love my husband and I love our time together, but I really miss everyone in Michigan, ALLOT!!! But the good thing about missing them all and being so far away is that Nick and I are becoming closer and enjoying our time as newlyweds. AND we do get to spend time with Michael and Lauren(because they are our only friend, lol) so we are becoming closer with them. Which is wonderful!!! I love my brother and his wife so much, and from us not having any friends down here we get to spend more time with them. So to sum up, as much as it sucks to be away from the people we love most, we are making other relationships better and stronger, and like they say "absence makes the heart grow fonder" So we just cherish our time with our Michigan people even more when we do get it : )

Friday, September 25, 2009

My Mom

Today's challenge is to write about something that I am grateful for in my life today..and today I am extremely grateful for my Mom!

She is such an amazing woman and I have so much respect for her. She did such an amazing job raising me and my siblings and teaching us how to be good people. I was feeling extremely homesick today and even had an inkling of wanting to move back to Michigan(crazy I know), so of course I called my mom to chat and cry a little : )
And of course, my mom listened, gave me advice, told me she loved me, and made me laugh(allot, lol). No matter how bad a day I am having my mom can always find a way to cheer me up, whether its supporting me, giving me words of encouragement or just making me laugh at how quirky and corny she is! She has such a happy spirit and personality and it is so contagious. That is just one of the many, many things that I love and admire about her.

My mom is the most amazing woman I know, and I can only hope that someday I will be as good of a mother and friend to my children as she is to me!!!

I miss her so much and it is really hard to be down here and not see her as much as I would like to. I would give anything to have a shopping day with her, and just go bumming around the stores, gossip, and have some lunch. But for now, I will settle for the phone calls and smiles.
So today, I am grateful that I have such an amazing mother!!!! I love you Mom.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

ABC's of gratitude

Today's challenge is to use the alphabet to make a list of things I am grateful for so here goes:
A: is my absolute favorite time of year..the changing color of the trees, college football, pumpkins, the colors, etc.

B: boating on the island with my family. I absolutely love being on the boat with my family, and since we moved to NC this was the first year I got to experience this for more than just one weekend during the summer.

C: Coffee!!! I don't think I would survive without my morning coffee

D: My dog, Mason. He is the best dog in the whole world. He is such a great cuddler, never barks, doesn't really shed. I couldn't ask for a better dog.

E: Evenings at home. I love when Nick gets home from work, and we have that time together. I love making him dinner, sitting down at the table together, and then cuddling up on the couch to watch some tv.

F: Family. I have the most amazing parents and siblings in the entire world and miss them so much now that we live here.

G: God, Although I have been away from the church for a few years and not really practicing my faith, I feel like God is calling me to get back. And it is a really good feeling. I am so grateful that I was raised Catholic and believe in God, and can now go back to the faith that I grew up with.

H:Husband...I love my husband more than anything in this world, he is my best friend, my soul mate, and he makes my life so incredible wonderful. I could not imagine having a better husband than Nick!

I: Ice cream...a small thing i know..but I love it : ) It's a great comfort food. lol

J:Jessica, my best friend who was killed in a car accident 3 and a half years ago. She was the most inspiring person I have ever met, she had a wonderful spirit and was a great friend. Even though she is gone, I feel her with me all the time and I am so grateful that she was in my life, even if for a short time.

K:Kelly Rickels..she is my cousins wife and a great friend! She has been there for me through so much, listened to me bitch and cry, always gives me great advice, and never judges me. She is a wonderful person and I am so grateful that my cousin fell in love with her : ) I just wish we lived closer, I miss her allot!

L:Love. I am so thankful that I have found the love of my life, and was able to let go of my fears and allow myself to love this amazing man that God has given me. Love is truly the most wonderful feeling in the world!

M:my mom, she is so amazing. Every day I have more and more appreciation for her and everything she did/does for our family. She is an amazing woman, and truly like a best friend to me. I can always call her for anything and she always knows how to make me feel better.

N: Night out.. it is so wonderful when we do get to have a night out together, whether its just to get some dinner or going to the bar with our "Topsail Friends" : )

O: Old friends, time was not age! lol My friends are wonderful and some of them I have known for so many years I can't even keep track! Being away from them is really hard, but when we do go home to visit I am so grateful to see them and know that we will always be friends. No matter how far away we may live.

P: Parents..I know I already talked about family and my mom, but my parents deserve two mentions, at least!! I am so grateful that my parents are such caring, giving, and loving people. I had such a wonderful childhood and I am so happy that we have such a great relationship. And I am even more grateful because now I have wonderful in laws as well. They are two of the sweetest people I know, and they really make me feel welcome in their family.

Q:Quiet..sometimes it is nice to just have peace and quiet and reflect on my thoughts or have time to pray. Knowing that we want kids some day and that quiet time will be rare..I am grateful to have it right now : )

R: Recording device..aka my DVR. I am so grateful to the genius who invented this. I hate sitting through commercials!!!! lol

S: can make any day better and I get so much more of it in NC than I did in Michigan!!

T: Topsail Island...this is truly the best place in the world. It is so beautiful and peaceful and I am so blessed that we only live 2 1/2 hours away and go visit anytime we want.

U:United States armed forces!! They are true heroes and I am so thankful that they choose to put there life on the lines everyday to protect our great country. (Thank you Michael, Joey, and James!)

V: I won't say the actual word..but lets just say I am grateful I am a woman(and have this anatomy) and not a man! lol Being a woman is a wonderful thing.

W: Waffle Saturdays..something very simple but that means allot to me. When I was growing up, my mom made pancakes every Saturday and I loved it. So every Saturday that we are home I make waffles for breakfast and I like to think of my waffles as our own little Baker family tradition that someday my kids can talk about.

X: is such a magical time of the year, and I always feel so blessed to have so many wonderful memories of Christmas with my family while I was growing up.

Y:Year..with my birthday coming up this seems very appropriate. I am grateful for every year I get to be alive.

Z: ZZZ's---I have such a hard time sleeping(between insomnia and Nick's snoring this doesn't happen very often) So when I get some ZZ's I am very grateful.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Take Note, Give Thanks

I was reading an old co-worker's blog today and saw that she is doing The Gratitude Challenge sponsored by a website, tiny prints. I started to look at the website, and read all about the challenge and decided I wanted to do it as well. With all of the stress I have been under lately, with looking for a job, being so broke, and being so far away from all of my friends and family it was hard for me to see the good side of my life and be thankful for the thing in my life that i DO have! So I have decided to take the challenge and I will posting on the blog about it every day(that is my goal at least) That way I have it all in one place and can look back and reflect on it once it is all over. Plus I am hoping it might inspire others to take the challenge as well.

So Day 1....I am supposed to explain why I accepted the challenge(which I just did) and what I hope to achieve from it.
My goal by the end of this is to see the good things in my life, and realize that no matter what may be going wrong or what I may think is missing in my life...God has given me many things to be grateful for and it is up to me to notice those things/people and cherish them.

On a little side not...I finally got a job!!! I am going to be a nanny for 3 little boys, twin 3 year olds and an 11 month old. I met them and their mother on Monday and they are so cute!!! I start on Tuesday and will be watching them 5 days a week. This is only a temporary position, through the end of November. Which I think is perfect because by that time I will probably be begging for a break from children : ) plus that is right around the time that we will most likely be moving to Charlotte.

That's it for now...hope everyone enjoys the next 21 days of my posts through this challenge.
: )

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Long time no post...

Well hello everyone..I know it has been a few weeks since I have posted anything. Things have been pretty boring with us lately. We have just spent the last couple of weeks doing the same old stuff..Nick working, me looking for a job, etc.

Last weekend was pretty nice though. We stayed home instead of going to the beach(our usual weekend options) and spent most all day Saturday with my brother and his wife. WE met them at the local coffee shop early in the morning, then headed to the Raleigh flea market with them and Lauren's parents, Randy and Lois. It was a gorgeous day and we had a great time just browsing and enjoying each others company. Then we came home and watched the U of M game at our place with Mike and Lauren. WE then spent the evening at there house playing bored games. I really felt like a true married couple...spending our weekend getting coffee, going to a flea market and playing board games..and thoroughly enjoying it! : )

Some good news on the job front..I have not 1 but 2 interviews tomorrow. The first one is with an accounting/payroll staffing agency. it sounds very promising and like they will be able to place me with a company fairly quickly. I am going in tomorrow morning to go over my qualifications and see what is available for me.
Then in the evening I am having dinner and meeting with a family that is looking for a temporary nanny for their 3 children. I am pretty excited about this meeting. The couple has twin 3 year olds and an 11 month old and they need a full time nanny(8 am to 6 pm) for two months while the mom trains for a new job. This would work out perfectly because I would work with them through November, which is when we will most likely be moving to Charlotte. I really hope it goes well and I get it! I know it will be stressful taking care of 3 children under 3, but I am up for the challenge!!! : )

We spent this weekend at the beach and had a wonderful time..yet again : ) Friday night we went to Homeport(the local bar) with all of the was so nice because we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves. I love being here when all of the renters are gone for the season!!!
Saturday morning Nick and I went for a nice bike ride around the island and then spent the day at the point with some friends. The men all fished while the women soaked up the sun. It was a beautiful day.
WE made an amazing dinner Saturday night and watched LSU football. It was an absolutely perfect day!! Now I am just cleaning up the house and relaxing while Nick works on the jet ski and washes the boat for my dad..he is such a good man!!!

Back to reality in a few hours and then my two interview tomorrow!!!! Keep your fingers crossed and say a few prayers for me tomorrow that I get at least one of these jobs. I really need it.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying this wonderful fall season!!!

Our dinner Saturday night..grilled shrimp and pineapple and crabcakes!! Yummy : )

The view from our dock..two butterflies were flying all around me but by the time I got my camera out they were flying away...

Enjoying the sun at the point(the very end point of the favorite spot on the island but a very long walk...)

Nick caught a tiny fish off of our dock before we headed to the point for some serious fishing.

Our group sunbathing and fishing....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I hate moving!

Well this week I came to the beach to help my parents move from one beach house to a different one, right down the street. I was told they would have movers so it wouldn't be that bad. I was thinking I would just help my mom organize and unpack and decorate(stuff I love to do) Boy was I wrong!!! Yes they had movers, but we were moving right along with them. By late afternoon I was about ready to die!!! It was hot, humid, and rainy..and my knee was killing me. And one of the trashy movers kept flirting with me...hello buddy..look at the ring!!!!!!
Being the clumsy person that I am..I hurt myself a few times. Hurt my hand pretty badly on Nick's truck trying to put the tanau cover back on, twisted my knee the wrong way a few times, and the worst of all...fell down the stairs and twisted my ankle pretty badly. Luckily it was at the end of the day, but I have been pretty useless to my parents since then..just hobbling around the house, lol.
The house looks amazing though!!! We are right on the water and the views are amazing no matter what room you are in! My parents are leaving tomorrow to head back to Michigan for the fall/winter. Which means Nick and I have the house to ourselves all winter whenever we want to come visit. : )

I am headed back to Durham today because I have a job interview tomorrow morning in the Paychex Charlotte office. I am not worried about the interview at all, just very anxious to find out if the position gets approved so that they can hire me : )
Then we will be moving...again!!! I will be so happy when all of the moving is over and we are in our own house!!!!!!!

Here are a few pics from the new beach house

Our last ngiht in the old house..very empty : (

Our dock on the water, old owners boat is still there.

View from the top balcony

A mural painted on the bathroom wall!!

Kitchen(kind of messy still)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Interview : )

Last week I called the managers of the two Paychex offices here in North Carolina. The manager from Raleigh called me back and told me that there were no openings at his branch. But..the manager from Charlotte called me back and said they may have an opening, that they are just waiting on the final word from the regional manager. Well I took that as kind of good news...but then today I got a call from him. He wants me to come in for an interview!! They haven't gotten the final approval to hire anyone yet, but they want me to come in to get the process started. So next Thursday, I have an interview in Charlotte. I really hope I get this job!! I didn't realize how much I miss Paychex until recently, but I really do. And I can not wait to have a steady paycheck again(and a good one at that!)
If I get the job in Charlotte, we will have to move(it is over 2 hours from where we live now) But I am actually ok with that. I have never been to Charlotte, but I hear it is really nice. Although we will be farther from my brother and his wife(and the beach) we will be closer to Atlanta!!! We are hoping to be able to find a house to rent in Charlotte, instead of living in an apartment again. It would be really nice to have some more space, a yard, and Nick REALLY misses having a garage : )

I was supposed to be going to the beach on Saturday to help my parents move to their new beach house and staying there all week. Now I will be heading down there on Sunday and coming back Wednesday for the interview. Then Nick and I will be going back for Labor day weekend. I am so excited to spend a nice relaxing weekend, just me and Nick, in the new beach house!

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the last few weeks of summer.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Whole lot of nothing

Well I know once again it has been a while since we have updated the blog...and I wish I could say it was because we lead such fascinating lives that we don't have a spare minute to write, but in fact we have just been really boring lately, lol.

Nick has been working non stop. He had a dinner with the CEO, CFO, and Vice President of his company last week and it went really well. They were in town just checking up on the dealerships and Nick got some great reviews from the dealerships he works with. So hopefully this means he will be getting a management position soon.

I on the other hand, have not had such great luck on the job front. That 'amazing' job that I thought I had...not so much. It turned out not to be at all what I was told it would be. And although I somewhat enjoyed the work, I was working 12+ hour days, still having work to do when I got home and was being paid merely nothing to do it. I was not getting the training that I needed to be able to do the job sufficiently, so after talking to my boss about all of my concerns, and talking to Nick and my dad about it all I came to the decision to quit. So now I am back on the job hunt.
Good news though, is that I may have a chance to get back in to my old company, but in a different location. I really do miss working for Paychex(who would have thought, lol) and there may be an opening in the Charlotte office in a few weeks. So for now we are just waiting to hear. IF I do get the position then we will be moving..once again!! But only two hours from where we are now. I think it will be a great move for us though. Nick has a much better chance at advancing in his company if we live in Charlotte and I will finally be doing a job that I know I am good at, I enjoy, and I actually earn good money doing. So everyone..keep your fingers crosses that I get the job in Charlotte(or any job in Charlotte for that matter).

We have decided to stay home this weekend and take a weekend off from the beach to spend some alone time together. Next weekend we will be back at the beach to help my parents move. They have bought a house down the street from the current house(which they sold) that is right on the water and has the most amazing views ever!! And the best part is, Nick and I will have our own room there so we won't have to kick any of my siblings out of their rooms when we go to visit. WE will just get kicked out of ours if a grandparents comes to stay, lol, they trump us : )
I will be sure to post some pics of all of the moving and the new house at the beach!!
That is all for now. I hope you all enjoy your weekend and have a little more excitement in your lives than we do : ) haha

This is a picture of my parents new beach house(the teal/green one). The pic was taken by my sister in law from her parents beach house porch, which is right across the street. So we are closer to her and my brother now too : )

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Carol's wedding

Nick and I dancing at the wedding..not sure why I have that face, lol

Nick dancing with his sister : )

All of the handsome!

Carol and her mom

Weekend on the boat

Me and my mom on the boat

Dad let Nick drive the boat : )

My mom, Me and my sister

Where Have You Been????

I know it has been a while since I posted last...I have so busy with work I barely have time to eat, let alone update the blog! The new job is really getting hard on me. It is very long hours(sometimes 15-18 a day), lots of driving, and even more stress!!! I am really not sure if I am going to be able to keep this job for very long. It is just to taxing on me. I am very rarely home before 9pm every night and still have hours of work to do once I do get home. This makes it very hard to spend time with Nick, which is really bothering me. So, for now obviously I need to keep my job(need the money), but in the meantime I am looking for something else with a little more permanent hours and better pay.

Last week Nick and I drove 12 hours to Michigan for his sister, Carol's wedding. Thankfully this road trip was a lot less eventful than our one down here was : )
We got to spend most of the day Friday in Plymouth and had lunch downtown then headed to Jackson for the rehearsal dinner. Then drove back to Plymouth to meet up with some of our friends at our favorite bar. It was sooo nice to be able to see our friends! I didn't realize how much I missed seeing them until we were leaving the bar and I started to tear up, realizing I wouldn't see them again until October.

Saturday was Nick's sisters wedding in Jackson, and he was an usher. He looked so good in his tux : ) It made me wish we had gotten tuxes for our wedding! It was really nice to get to see Nick's family at the wedding and spend time talking with them. We really didn't get a chance to talk to anyone at our wedding.

Well now we are back home and more than half way through the work week(Thank God!!) and on Friday we are going to Wilmington to see Tyler(my sister in laws brother) in "The Wiz"! I am super excited about that. Tyler is an amazing singer and performer, and this will be my first time seeing him perform. : )
Then we are spending the weekend at the beach with my family and relaxing. I am even more excited about that!!!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

information overload

Well I am only 3 days in to the new job and I feel like my brain is about to explode from new information. This job is a lot harder than I thought it would be. The hours are very long. I worked 14 hours on my first day and was told that I will be working about 60-70 hours every week. Which means Nick is on his own for dinner now. I won't be getting home until at least 7 or 8 every night, sometimes 9 or 10. Not exactly ideal hours, especially if I still have this job when we decide to start having children...that will be interesting. There is allot of information to take in and learn and the computer program I am trying to learn is insanely complicated and I don't know how I am going to learn it in a week!! Hopefully it will get easier and I will feel comfortably enough to go to an appointment by myself in a week and a half.

WE had a great weekend at the beach and it was so nice to see my family. When I saw my mom I gave her a hug as if I hadn't seen her in months :) It is so hard to go from living right by them and seeing them whenever I want to not seeing them very often. It is going to be so hard once they are back in Michigan. It's funny how things change when you grow up, when I was in college I wanted to be so far away from them and now I just want my parents to move down here so we can live close again. They keep saying that in 5-6 years they might but that just seems so far away! Anyways..back to the weekend. We had a great time, went to Homeport on Friday and went for a romantic walk on the beach at 1 am. There was a full moon and it was basolutely beautiful. We even ran in to my parents on the beach, lol, that was interesting. WE spent Saturday at the boat house with friends and family and went for a boat ride. Then went to a cocktail party at a friends house on the island. WE spent Sunday on the boat with my family and Nick even got to drive for a while. He is trying to learn all about my dads boat and driving it in the intercoastal waterway so that we can take it out by ourselves one day. WE went to dinner in Wilmington on our way back to Durham and had a great time. Hopefully everything works out so we can go back this weekend, Nick and my dad have a fishing trip planned. Nick has been dying to go fishing ever since we got down here.

I am getting really excited about going to Michigan next week for Nick's sister wedding. It will be really nice to see all of Nick's family again, since we didn't get to spend much time with them at our wedding.
I miss my friends in Michigan so much and I am really hoping it all works out so that I can see them on Friday after the rehearsal dinner. We also have two other weddings this year in we will be back in November and December!

Well that is all for now, I will post some pictures tonight from this past weekend on the boat. Hope everyone is having a great week so far!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New beginings and fresh paint

Well it's about time..I finally got a job!! I interviewed earlier this week at a kitchen remodeling company. I was really excited when they first called me, especially because it was 20 minutes after I had submitted my resume. Well once I got there I was told I wasn't qualifed enough for the position I appled for but that they had another position that would be great. I left feeling sad and disappointed but also a little optimistic that maybe I woudl get this other postion. They called me Wed. for a second interview for today.
To make a long story short I was offerd a postion as a Kitchen Design Engineer. Which is a really cool job. Basically the company does full kitchen remodels at discounted rates and they include everything from counters and cabinets to flooring and all the little extras. Well after the customer has chosen there kitchen colors, etc. I come in and completely design the kitchen layout from top to bottom!! I am getting trained on a special computer program to do this, will get a company car and laptop, and get to travel all over the state desining kitchens!! I am so incredibly excited. These past few weeks without a job have really been hard. I thought I would love not having to work, and just enjoying my days, but I was miserable. Stuck in the apartment all the time while Nick is at work. I can not wait to be back in the working world and interacting with people again.

In my last two days of being unemployed(I start work on Monday) I decided to paint our living room..I was so sick of all of the white walls. So we decided on blue for the living room and I am going to paint the dining room a little lighter blue.
I absolutely love it!!!!

We still have to finish the top part by the ceiling(I can't reach it) and paint the dining room. Hopefully I can finish that in the next week or two.

Well that is about it for now..Nick and I are headed to the beach tomorrow to see my family and celebrate my new job : ) I can't wait to get some sun!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

pool, plans, and a proposal

Nick and I had a great weekend! Very relaxing and quiet. We spent most of the day Sunday at the Easters(my sister in laws parents) pool. It was so nice to just lay out on a raft in the pool and read my book and of course stare at my gorgeous husband : )

WE spent a lot of time talking this weekend too and came up with our life plan for kids, work, school, etc. Now of course life doens't always go as planned..but for now we seem like we have it all figuired out.
I have made the desicion that I am goint back to school in the fall to get a Business/Human Resources degree. Which ties in to our plan because our 3-5 year goal is for us to Franchise Dominos stores. Nick will ultimately run the stores and I will handle all of the finances, human resources, payroll, etc. I am really excited about this! My dad worked for Dominos for over 25 years and made quite a good living at it, so obviously I am quite fond of the company. I also know a few people here in North Carolina who franchise stores and I see how much they enjoy it and how successful they are so it really gives us hope that we will do great at it. Also, my brother is going in to the same business. I guess us Soignet's just really love Dominos = ]

This weekend we are headed back to Topsail and I can hardly wait. I am half tempted to go tomorrow...I miss my parents so much. I feel like it has been so long since I haev seen them, and it has only been two weeks. I can't even imagince how hard it is going to be when they go back to Michigan int he fall and I don't see them for months at a time! I am really excited too because my Aunt Simone and her kids are going to be at the beach this weekend too. I haven't seen them since we were in New Orleans for Mardi Gras this year.

And probably the most exciting part of my weekend was getting a call from my best friend, Rachael on Sunday evening telling me that she is engaged!!!!!!! Her, now fiance, Scott proposed to her at a park near her house with a new puppy that had her ring tied around its neck. I had tears in my eyes as she was telling me this. I am just so incredibly happy for her and Scott. They make such a great couple and I can't wait to see what kind of wonderful wedding she plans! And even better...I get to see her in a few weeks when Nick and I drive back to Michigan for his sisters wedding.

I guess that is all for now. I can not believe how fast this summer is going by. But luckily we live in the south now so even when summer technically ends..its still warm here!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I love my life

Nick and I were out running some errands today and decided to drive around and look at some houses. We had such a great time and really got to find out what the other person likes and dislikes. We figuired we would start the process a little early since we are both very picky and have differnt tastes : )
So, as we were driving around I just kept thinkign how incredibly lucky I am to have such an amaing husband. And how much I can not wait to own a house with him and start a family. It really gives me so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to.
So I came home and made a little video of pictures from the past year that we have been together, keeping in mind that we have many many more years of happiness ahead of us!!!

Our Apartment

Well I told you they were coming so here they of our new apartment. Certainly not our dream home, but it will do for now : )
Still not completely done(the walls are a little bare and we need a few more pieces of furniture). Either way...this is OUR Home and I love it!

Well I told you they were coming so here they of our new apartment. Certainly not our dream home, but ti will do for now : )
Still not completely done(the walls are a little bare and we need a few more pieces of furniture).

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Killian Jude

My cousin James and his wife had there baby, Killian Jude,this past weekend. Unfortunately, Killian wasn't quite ready to come out. He was born premature and only weighs a little over 2 pounds. He is Intensive care right now and fighting very hard to stay alive. He has bleeding in the brain and has already undergone a blood transfusion.
PLEASE keep him and his parents, Shannon and James in your prayers!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

1 Month update!

Well it has now been 1 month since Nick and I got married! I can hardly believe it. The time has gone by so fast. It seems like it was over in the blink of an eye. No matter how fast it went by though, it was the best and most beautiful day of my life.

We made the long 12 hour drive, which turned in to 16 hours, from Michigan to our new home in Durham, North Carolina just a week after the wedding. It took a few weeks but we are officially all moved in to our new apartment. I will post some pictures of the new place very shortly.

We are settling in nicely down here and have spent some time on Topsail Island with my family, which has been great! It is only 2 hours from us and is my favorite place to be in the world : )

We were there for 4th of July and some of my family from Georgia came as well. We had a great time with friends and family. Nick even sang a little Karaoke(not by choice, lol)

Nick is working hard at his job, and I am busy applying for jobs like crazy and keeping our home nice and clean. I am learning how to cook more and more, and actually enjoying it : ) Who would have thought!

Well that is it for now, nothing too exciting. Just our everyday life. Stay tuned for more updates from The Bakers!!!