Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The countdown is on

4 days until I have to go back to work and Lilliana starts day care, 2 days until my mom gets back to Charlotte from packing up the house in Michigan, 16 days until my parents move in to their new house here in Charlotte, and 37 days until we go to Michigan for Labor day weekend.

I can not believe it has already been almost 8 weeks since Lilliana was born. Time has flown by so fast. I never thought I would want to be a stay at home mom, but now I would give anything to be able to stay home with her and not go back to work on Monday. There are certainly days(like today) that are quite rough and taxing but in the end they are so worth it! I love every moment with her, even when she is screaming crying because she hates being in her car seat : ) lol

Darvy has been staying with us this week while my parents are in Michigan packing up their house for the move. He has a cross country camp for his new school that we have been taking him to everyday. It has been nice having him here and spending some quality time with him but I have learned that I am no where near ready to have a teenager in my house! lol Thank goodness we have some time before Lilliana is that age : )
It is so weird to think that right now my parents are packing up our house in Michigan. They owned that house for 22 years! I am really glad that I am not there with them, I would be a complete basket case trying to leave the house that I grew up in, was married at, and absolutely love!

As hard as it is to think about that no longer being our house, I am so excited that my family will be leaving just 15 minutes from us here in Charlotte. We can hardly wait to start spending our Sundays at my parents house(along with many other days I am sure!)

Lilliana is growing like a weed and becoming more and more active and alert everyday. She smiles all the time and loves to laugh and giggle with mommy.

She is getting so strong. She can hold her head up for a few seconds at a time, when I stand her up she presses down on her feet and hold her head pretty straight, she squirms all over her bed, and has quite the grip! Her hair is getting so long.
I bought some bows for her the other day and and now she has one in her hair all the time, they are adorable!

She absolutely loves spending time in her swing watching the mobile. She just stares at it with such content and lets out the occasional giggle, so precious!!

I spent yesterday cleaning out her closet and re-organizing it. Sadly, I had to put away all of her newborn clothing and she is now in 0-3 and 3 month clothing! It was so sad to put away her newborn clothing, partly because she has grown way too fast and partly because I know it will be a few years before I have a newborn again : (

I also got my hair cut yesterday! I have been growing my hair out for a long time and didn't really cut it at all during the pregnancy. I love having long hair but it is just not conducive to the 'new mom lifestyle'. I now understand why most moms have short hair : ) I am actually really glad I cut it though, it looks so good!

I joined wight watchers 2 1/2 weeks ago to get rid of all of the extra weight I gained while I was pregnant. I let myself go way too much during the pregnancy and I am desperate to get my old body back! I have already lost 4 1/2 pounds since I started! I also bought a JIllian Michaels work out dvd that I hope to start using soon(free time is a hard thing to come by these days!) So hopefully the weight will be off soon and I can start feeling like myself again!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

On the road again

Lilliana and I are getting back on the road again : ) She is going to be a road tripper just like her mommy! This time we are headed to Atlanta to see my family, (aunts, uncles and cousins). Since this is only a 3 hour drive hopefully it will go smoother than our last road trip and she will just sleep the whole time!

I can't believe that she is already 6 weeks old and I have to go back to work in 2 weeks. I am so not ready for that!! It is going to be so hard to leave her and not be with her all day. I have a feeling I wont get a lot of work done that first day back, lol.

She has gotten so big and is definitely not a newborn anymore. She has started smiling at me, which is so incredibly adorable. I get so giddy and excited whenever she does it. She has also started mimicking my facial cute.
She is so strong. She is already holding her head up and stand pretty well on her feet when i hold her up.
She becomes more and more alert with each passing day and loves to just lay on her back and stare at the world around her.

She has also discovered how to grab on to things and pull..unfortunately this has resulted in her grabbing her own hair and yanking so hard that she cries in pain and because she is gripping so hard it takes some force for me to un-clench her fist. It is so sad to see her hurting herself and she has no clue she is doing it. Poor girl.

I have a lot to do today and very little available nap times to do it in, so that is all for now.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Beach week

We have had an amazing time at the beach this past week and a half. We had lots of family come in from Georgia and spent some wonderful quality time with them.
Lilliana's godfather, Uncle Joey got to meet her for the first time. He was so cute with her. I can not wait for him and his wife Kelly to have kids! : )

We also had my Uncle Joe and Aunt Bev and my cousin Courtney and her friend Kathy stay with us.

My mom and were so great with Lilly and were so nice to offer to watch her so much so that I could enjoy the time at the beach as well. I got to actually go to the beach for about an hour, which was amazing! The other days we spent either sitting on the dock at our house sunbathing and watching the boats go by or just relaxing inside when it was too hot for Lilly to be outside.

We had a great 4th of July. Lilliana got to see her first "Easter 4th of July Parade" that my brothers in laws put together every year. It was very hot that day so we just watched from our porch instead of walking in the parade with everyone else.

That night, the Easters had their annual 4th of July party and we stopped by for a little bit to eat dinner and let some of our beach friends meet the baby. The music from the karaoke was a little too loud for Lilliana's ears so Nick and I spent the rest of the evening at home. We live across the street from the Easters so we still got to hear the karaoke from the house..the good and the bad. lol.

Nick went back to Charlotte on Monday evening because he had to work and Lilliana and I spent the week here with my family. My mom and I have spent most of the days just relaxing with the baby. We went to Wilmington on Wednesday and did a little shopping with the baby then met my dad and some of our friends at Dockside(a restaurant on the water) for some lunch.

Yesterday my sister in law, lauren took some pictures of Lilliana. They turned out great! I can't wait to see all of them.

Nick got here last night and now today we are having a 'date day'. : )
He is bring me home lunch from our favorite restaurant right now and after that we are heading out to Wilmington to see Eclipse(yeah!!) and get some new work clothes for me. I can not believe I have to go back to work in just 3 short weeks.
These past weeks have just flown by. I can not believe that Lilliana is 5 weeks old today! People aren't kidding when they say time really flies! She has gotten so big in the past week. I swear she has grown a couple inches in just a few days, lol.
We have her one month dr appointment this week, which means more shots : ( but also get to find out just how big she has gotten.

We are all heading back home to Charlotte tomorrow. It has been so nice being here at the beach with my family, but it is going to be great to be back home. I miss my comfy king size bed! We are sleeping on a full size here, not fun! haha

My yummy crab cake sandwich just arrived via my amazing husband so I am going to chow done and head out for our 'date day'!

Bye y'all : )