Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, May 31, 2010

Anxiously waiting

Today marks 39 weeks and 5 days in to the pregnancy. I know it has been a VERY long time since I posted last. : ) I decided to start posting again partly to give updates to all of our family and friends that do not live near us and partly as a project for myself. I am going to take a picture of Lilliana everyday for the first year of her life. I thought this would be a great way to see how she changes throughout her first year and to look back on that time in her life.

Unfortunately, our little princess has not made her debut yet. We are very impatiently waiting. I have been on semi-bedrest for 3 weeks now and am going stir crazy. Luckily my mom came down from Michigan last week and has been staying with us. She has been amazing, keeping me company, taking me out on little outings, cooking dinner, cleaning the house. Truly a blessing!!!

We had our first false alarm on Saturday night. I was having contractions, but we were sent home from the hospital and told it was not time, although I am dialated almost 2 centimeters so at least we have progress.
I have my next doctors appointment tomorrow morning and I am praying that either I do not make it, or I am at least dilated some more.

We are all so very ready for Lilliana to make her debut!

Hopefully the next post will be from the hospital : )

Happy Memorial Day everyone!!!