Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

She is here!!!!

That's right, our beautiful daughter made her debut on June 5 at 9:09 am. She was 8 lbs and 20 inches of pure joy.

I was set to be induced on friday morning, the 4th. But when I called the hospital to confrim that I was coming in, they told me they were too busy and I would have to reschedule my induction. Needless to say I was quite upset. I was already up and showered and ready to meet our daughter. I was so bummed, but very determined to have her anyways. Sop i decided we would just spend all day walking around our neighborhood in the hopes that I would go in to labor naturally.
My Aunt Bev and cousin Kelly drove in to be here for the birth, and brought a great surprise with cousin Courtney! When they pulled up and I saw her I was so happy. Them being here anticipating the birth just made me even more determined. I wanted to amke sure they were here when Lilliana came in to the world. Espcially since Kelly is her god mother.
So we spent the whole day walking, doing a little shopping, and just spending quality family time together. We spent the evening at home with my parents, brother James, and aunt and cousins. I have never laughed so hard or so much in my life. We had a great time!

When I went to bed around 11 I had a feeling I would be going in to labor by the next day. I was a little off...after about 10 minutes in bed my water broke and I started haivng contractions. I let the contractions get regualr for about an hour then woke nick up and called the dr. We were obviously told to go straight to the hospital!

Once we got there I was 3cm dialated and immediately sent to our room and hooked up to monitors. Labor had begun!!! The whole labor went pretty fast. Within a few hours of getting my epduaral and starting the pitocin I was ready start pushing. I ended up pushing for about 45 minutes and she was born at 9:09 am. I instantly started crying the momnent I saw her face. It is truly amazing how much you can love someone you have never met. Giving birth was the most amazing, rewarding, and slef enriching experiece. I came up with strength I never knew I had in me. Anyone who knows me knows that my pain tolerance is very low and I can be quite a baby, lol. But somehow God gave me the strngth to make it through and my mom and Nick were quite impressed with how strong I was.

We came home on Monday monring, which was the best feeling ever to have our whole family at home together. The first 24 hours were a little rough, just trying to get her on a schedule and we had some feeding and gas issues with her. We went and saw her pediatrician on Tuesday morning though adn she got a clean bill of helath, besides a bit of jaundice.

Last night went great. We slept together in our room as a family. It was such a great feeling to wake up in the morning all together as a family. She ended up sleeping for over 5 hours straght adn woke up so peacefully. She then spent over an hour in her swing just looking around and observing her new world.

She also got her first bath today(at home) and did not enjoy it too much. We have discovered she does not like being naked at all! But she absolutely loved having her hair washed(I see salon days in our future, lol).

Nick and I are absolutely loving being parents. It is so rewarding and peaceful. We find ourselves just staring at her and oohing and awing at every little movement she makes. She is such a blessing and a miracle from God. We could not be happier and are so blessed to have her in our lives.

That is all for now, baby is sound asleep in Gigi's arms(my mom) so I am going to take advantage and get my shower!!

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